Impacket – Part 2

Hello mr. Impacket – I am back! Today I will write about Impacket. Last time I wrote about the psexec and smbexec modules which I found to be the most logical start to the series (BTW I would like to remind that 2 posts can be series).  You know, it is a gift which...

Threat Intelligence Platform – OpenCTI

What? I’ve been thinking of implementing some sort of Threat Intelligence Platform for my personal usage. The original idea has been to run MISP as it is quite well known to be very good at this sort of thing, however I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about OpenCTI lately. It is by...

Hunting for msbuild based execution

Why? There has been a new Advanced Persistent Threat group, named Dark Pink which have been using the msbuild.exe LOLBIN for doing their malicious deed. The group has been especially active in the APAC area, with some activity in Europe too – specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina – weirdly enough. The group is mostly...


I haven’t observed any interesting new techniques recently, which is why I decided to analyze something that has been around for some time now. I’ve been interested in AsyncRAT for a while and decided to analyze it closer with threat hunting in mind. AsyncRAT is a Remote Access Tool which has been according to...